1) Find the applicant with whom you would like to communicate. For more info on how to search for applicants, click here.

2) Click on the View Applicant button next to the applicant's name.

3) From the Application Viewer menu bar, click on Send Form to Applicant.

4) From the "Form to attach" drop-down box, select either the Background Check Release form or the Employment Application form. (Or, if you've already linked up your Wufoo account with your account, select any of the forms you've enabled.)

Make any edits necessary to the Subject and Message Body fields.

5) When you are done filling out the above, click on the Send Form button at the bottom of the send form viewer pop-up window.

What happens next:

- The online web form you selected will be sent as an email to your Applicant. 

- After your applicant clicks on the link to the online form, fills out the form and submits it:

  1. You will receive a notification on your dashboard that the Applicant has completed the form. (The notification gives you the option to mark it as "read" so it disappears from your dashboard.)
  2. A message is added to the Notes tab of the Application Viewer indicating that the applicant has completed the form.
  3. The completed form is added as a document to the Files tab. Click on the file name to open the form. To print the form, click on the Print button at the top right side of the viewing screen after you've opened the form.