Your account gives you an easy way to track applicants that you have hired through the system. Follow these steps to mark applicants as hired:

1. Click on the View Applicant button next to the applicant's name to open the Applicant Profile of the person you want to mark as hired.


2. From the Application Viewer, click on the Mark as Hired button.


What Happens Next?

Just like little Charlie in the Wonkavator, you might be wondering what happens now that you've pressed the big red button. When you click the button, a popup window appears for you to fill out the Acceptance Date and Start Date:

If you close out of the application viewer and then open it up again (by clicking on the magnifying glass), the button has been updated Hired with a date stamp.

Also, a note will be added to the Activity section in the application viewer that indicates an applicant has been "Marked as Hired." The note includes the user who marked the applicant as hired and a date stamp when it took place.

We wanted to take a moment to clarify something super important about the hiring process—specifically, the "Mark as Hired" (MAH) button. We've noticed that some users think that simply changing an applicant's status to "Hired" will generate all the necessary reporting information. While we get why this might seem logical, the truth is, the magic happens only when you click that "Mark as Hired" button. 

Why is this so important?

The MAH button isn’t just a formality; it’s the key to ensuring that all reporting data is accurately captured. Without clicking it, the system doesn’t recognize the applicant as officially hired in our reports. This could lead to incomplete data and affect the overall accuracy of our hiring metrics.

What does this mean for you?

To make sure your reports are spot-on and reflect all your hard work, always use the "Mark as Hired" button when you’re ready to bring someone on board. This small step ensures that every hire is correctly recorded and contributes to our collective success in tracking recruitment performance.

How to View a List of Your Hired Applicants

To view a list of your hired applicants, click on the Main Menu in the upper right corner next to the Home button, select Applicants, then select Hired Applicants.

You will now be able to view a sortable list of hired applicants within your account.