How does our applicant tracking system (ATS) use AI?

Our ATS leverages generative AI to assist employers with quickly writing job postings and streamlining candidate evaluation. Employers may generate a first draft of their job descriptions and then customize their final job posting directly in the software. Employers may also use AI to summarize an applicant’s resume in comparison to the job posting.

Additionally, our ATS gives employers the option to establish screening questions for job seekers, including "knock-out questions," allowing employers to direct the ATS to issue rejection notifications to applicants based on their responses. A user determines the screening questions and the parameters of the answers. Rejected applicants remain accessible to the employer indefinitely.

Does the ATS offer Automated Employment Decision Tools regulated by New York City’s Local Law 144?

New York City’s Local Law 144 governs "Automated Employment Decision Tools," as specifically defined in the law. This information does not constitute legal advice, and users are encouraged to seek professional advice regarding their responsibilities under Local Law 144.

Based on our understanding of the law, we believe none of our services qualify as "Automated Employment Decision Tools" within the meaning of this law. Through our ATS platform, any individual can submit an application and any employer has the freedom to hire any applicant. The AI capabilities included in our ATS do not rule out or hide any applicants from being reviewed by employers.

Users may have the ability to set up screening questions in the ATS platform that have the ability to archive candidates based upon responses defined by the user; applicants who may be archived based upon defined rules are still available to users. It is important to note that users, not computers, are in control of screening questions and corresponding rules and automation put in place based upon those questions.