We're excited to share some insights on how to make your recruitment process smoother and more personalized with our Applicant Tracking System (ATS). A key feature to leverage in this journey is the Message Template, which comes equipped with a powerful tool called Field Names.

Field Names essentially allow you to craft personalized messages quickly by inserting specific database fields, like the applicant's name or the job they applied for, directly into your email templates. This ensures each communication feels tailored and direct, without the need for manual input each time.


Getting Started with Field Names 

Below, you'll find a handy guide to the different Field Names available for use in your Message Templates, along with their corresponding placeholders: 

If You Want to Include:Please Use This Field Name:
Applicant Full Name{{ full_name }}
Applicant First Name
{{ first_name }}
Job Applied For
{{ applied_for }}
Date Applied On{{ applied_on }}
Job Code
{{ job_code }}
Applicant Referral Source
{{ source }}
Your Company Name
{{ company }}
Your Name (as the Hiring Manager)
{{ hiring_manager_name }}

These Field Names can be seamlessly integrated into both the subject and body of your message, making each email feel genuinely personalized.

How to Use Field Names

To include a Field Name in your Message Template, simply:

  1. Navigate to the Message Templates page on our ATS.
  2. Select the Field Name you wish to use from the list provided. These are also listed on the right side of your screen, on the Message Template page. 
  3. Copy the Field Name (ensure you include the curly brackets!) and paste it into your message, whether in the subject line or the email body.
  4. Once you save your template, it's all set to go. Whenever you send a message using this template, the system automatically pulls the relevant information from the applicant's profile and fills in the blanks. It's that easy!

Important: Accuracy Matters!

When incorporating Field Names into your Message Templates, it's crucial to use them EXACTLY as they are listed. This means paying close attention to the spelling, spaces, and those curly brackets {} around each Field Name. Any deviation, no matter how small, could result in a "BONK" — our playful term for an error that renders your message template unusable.

Imagine crafting the perfect message only to find it won't send due to a tiny typo in a Field Name. To avoid such hiccups and ensure a smooth, error-free experience:

  • Double-check each Field Name for accuracy before saving your template.
  • Remember, the ATS is case-sensitive and format-specific with Field Names.
  • If you encounter a "BONK," review your Field Names for any discrepancies.

A Real-World Example:

Let's take a closer look at how this works in practice. We'll use BOLD styling to highlight where Form Names are converted to real data, but please note that Field Names will not appear in bold when in actual use. 

Your Message Template:

Subject Line: Your Application for {{ applied_for }} at {{ company }}

Dear {{ full_name }},

We're thrilled about the possibility of you joining the team as a {{ applied_for }}, which you applied for on {{ applied_on }} via {{ source }}. Over the next few days, please be on the lookout for an interview request, which will start your journey in {{ company }}. We're thrilled to learn more about you and enjoy the meaningful contributions you could bring to the team. 

Warm regards,

{{ hiring_manager_name }}

Job Code: {{ job_code }}

Message to Applicant using the above Message Template:

Subject Line: Your Application for Town Doctor in Patience, CO

Dear Harry Vanderspeigle,

We're thrilled about the possibility of you joining the team as a Town Doctor, which you applied for on 03/04/24 via Fancy Job Board. Over the next few days, please be on the lookout for an interview request, which will start your journey in Patience, CO. We're thrilled to learn more about you and enjoy the meaningful contributions you could bring to the team. 

Warm regards,

Ben Hawthorne

Job Code: 1000031