Our Calendar feature enables you to easily view your candidate interviews on one calendar screen. Even better - hook up your Google, Apple, or Outlook calendar and you'll be able to see your free/busy time when scheduling an interview to make sure you're never double-booked. The interview will even be added directly to your Google, Apple, or Outlook calendar. No extra steps!
Sync your Calendaring Tool
1. From your Dashboard, click on the View Calendar > link.
2. Click on the green Manage Connections button at the top right of the Calendar page to sync your calendaring tool (Outlook, Google Calendar, etc.) with your recruiting Calendar.
3. Select your provider. Then follow the prompts to grant access to the provider calendar.
4. Once you have completed the steps to allow access, you can select which calendars to include, and set your availability. Hover over green areas and cross them out to customize your available and unavailable times. Then be sure to click Save new rules.
NOTE: Your calendar events will never be shown in the ATS, only your scheduled interviews will appear. When your applicants pick a time, the system will respect both your rules/work hours (shown above) and the individual appointments on your connected calendar(s). More on this here: Understanding the "Manage Connections" Page (and Why It’s Not Your Synced Calendar)
How to schedule an interview:
When you are ready to send an interview request to an applicant through the applicant viewer, you can add multiple hiring managers in an interview with an applicant and you will also be able to view your free/busy times and schedule the meeting right from your account. You can even view the free/busy times of other hiring managers who have added their calendars too (you will see all hiring managers' free/busy times from their Google calendar, but not their actual events)!
Your hiring managers do not have to sync their calendars in order for interviews to be scheduled unless choosing the option to let the candidate choose their time.
1. Open the Applicant Profile for the applicant you wish to schedule a meeting with. Click Messages from the menu bar and select Interview Request from the drop-down menu.
2. You can add Interviewers by clicking the down arrow and selecting managers from the drop-down menu.
3. Select a Meeting Location from the drop-down menu (if you have these saved; directions below), Edit the Subject and Message of the meeting request as desired. Attach any files necessary and then click Send.
Your invitation has been sent and the date set on the Calendar. You can view your Upcoming Interviews on your Dashboard.
Important notes to keep in mind about the calendar feature:
Only the taken and available interview slots will appear on the Calendar within your account. You will not be able to see meetings from your personal Calendars in the ATS. Only the scheduled interviews that were made within the ATS will show. More on this here: Understanding the "Manage Connections" Page (and Why It’s Not Your Synced Calendar)
Meeting Locations:
You can also add and save meeting locations for interviews within your account so that you can easily select these from the meeting location dropdown when you are working through the Interview Request workflow. To do this, click on the Menu Icon < Account Details < Workflow and enter the meeting locations you would like to save under the Meeting Locations box.
These saved options will appear under the location drop-down when sending an interview invite out. You will be able to select a saved meeting location from the dropdown menu quickly or you can manually enter a meeting location for the Interview.
Please note: SMS is not currently available when scheduling interviews